Why Submitting Your New Websites To Link Directories Is A Good Idea?- By: Tom Dahne

Description : The most common methods that are extensively used by webmasters to promote their websites are link exchanges, traffic exchanges and article submissions.

Have you tried experimenting with directory submissions?

Directory submission is one of the most beneficial ways to make your website popular thereby driving a large amount of traffic. Directory submission means submission of a blog or a website to a number of link directories. You need to add your business websites to these directories so as to attract a targeted audience easily.

Importance Of Submitting Websites To Link Directories.

One of the major benefits is that the website added in link directories will gain visibility in the popular search engines. The very fact that the major search engines index these link directories for optimization makes the method of directory submission a beneficial one. Website promotion is another advantage that the link directories offer to the various websites.

Methods Used For Directory Submission.

The two most commonly used methods of directory submission include the manual submission and the automatic submission. The manual directory submission involves lots of time and effort. Therefore, the webmasters prefer to opt for the semi-automatic method for easier and faster submission.

Directory submission requires proper submitting of the blogs and websites links. Along with the website links, it is important to add some important details about the business so as to get familiar with the targeted audience.

Using Anchor Text, Rich Content And One-Way Links.

There are various link directories that ask for the addition of anchor text in the website information and links. These anchor text are hyperlinks that direct the visitors to the website. It is a highly beneficial idea to add distinct anchor text in the websites for numerous directories.

It is also important to ensure that the website link should be added in different directories rather than only to one directory in order. This helps to enhance the ranking of your website in the search engine result pages.

These link directories check out the main content of the websites before actually accepting the content in their directories. Thus, it is a good idea to have information rich content in the website before you begin submitting the websites to directories.

Adding your website to link directories helps in creating one-way back links. Greater the number of one-way links, the better the chances of your website getting higher rankings in the popular search engine results. There are some free directory submitters as well that provide the opportunity of adding the websites to a number of link directories.

taying Away From Prohibited Link Building Ways.

One should also make sure that illegal ways of link building can lead to spamming of the websites. Your website can even get banned by the popular search engines if black hat techniques are used in the process of building links. Last but not the least, in situations when you do not have much time to submit your website to the link directories, you can always look out for services provided by the SEO companies.

So, start searching for the popular link directories and get a secure place for your website. This way you can draw the attention of a large number of targeted audiences towards your websites.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : Article Written By: Tom Dahne

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Tom Dahne is also the owner of the very popular Link Directory that invites webmasters to submit their sites for review and inclusion for free in Link Directory, visit http://www.linkdirectory.com