Where to Find A SEO Review for Your Website- By: Christopher Arnfield

Description : Undoubtedly easily the most common enquiries I run across, whether it is in online marketing forums, blogs or Yahoo Answers, is where can you get a SEO review for your web site that does not knock you back an arm and a leg!
Like anyone who owns a web site, I too have encountered the thorny subject of SEO. Undoubtedly the most frustrating things is being told by everyone that you ought to have the keyword in your domain name, or your title, headline, sub-headlines, meta description and so on and so on. Especially if you're new to online selling, this may make your head spin. Everybody, it appears, has their own opinion on what constitutes sensible SEO for your website.
This drawback has become notably apparent since the inception of the Wordpress blog, because folks are taking a keener interest in how their blog is performing within the SERPs. It has almost become personal! Folks are throwing up a Wordpress blog, posting some articles and expecting to get them on page 1 of Google the subsequent day! It may previously have been the case a few years ago, but in todays fiercely competitive marketplace, if your site isn't set up properly, it can simply die!
Anyway, been told that you need be certain that your web site is correctly configured for SEO, however how does one go about this? The snag is that no-one truly desires to tell, or take the time to find out without charging you a fortune, and I do mean a fortune. It is not uncommon to find SEO companies asking for thousands of Dollars just to undertake a SEO review of your site. Then you may be charged once more for them to implement the solutions.If only there was a means of looking for what's really wrong with your web site and then being told in easy terminology a way to correct those problems.
Well, as of Monday twenty eighth March 2011, there is the solution to your prayers! Yes, there's currently a website that you'll be able to enter your email and your website url, and for the princely amount of $5, they will send you a 36+ page SEO review citing every little detail of your sites SEO attributes, its shortcomings, but most importantly, how to easily fix those problems. I've got to admit that I had to look twice at the cost they were charging, but, I have ascertained that this will be an introductory fee that they will take down once they start to receive a ton of orders, so I would suggest that you get down there quick before the proposal ends.
To provide you an plan of what you'll expect for your $five SEO review, here is a small snippet from their website:-
A Full Keyword Density Report - This can be essential if you're to create your website Google-friendly!
A Link Management Report - Discover how many links there are to your web site by class, standing, Traffic Rank and PR.
Spider Simulator - Find out how the Search Engine `bots` see your site. You will be surprised at the results from this!
A Top 10 Optimiser report - This is often a large, top down report of every single page and side of your website in a monster 36 page dossier.
This report is too large to fully explain here, but the thirty six-page SEO review can embrace necessary information like:-
An entire overview of your web site
Your Competitors Webpages
Your Top 10 score as a %
All this data you get for a measly $5!
However there is a lot more! You'll additionally get recommendations concerning each part of the SEO review in straightforward terms therefore you can immediately implement the improvements. You will see dramatic improvements in your ranking for the relevant keywords very quickly. One case in point refers to a website called Trackdown.net and this web site is now on PAGE one of Google for three completely different keywords already and that's inside the space of some weeks optimising as suggested by the SEO review.
Whether or not you are just curious about how your web site fares against all the others, it is surely worth just $5 to get your SEO review.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : Get Your SEO Review NOW before they put up the price. Go to:
and start to optimise your site to Number 1 in Google!