Tricky Parenting Moments - Don't Do As I Do, Do As I Say, Are You Serious?- By: Fred Gilbert

Description : If there was a collection of parenting studies required, then all of us would have at least one four year college degree. No kidding, it seems like there is just a mountain of information on the subject. Be assured that this is a good thing because you are taking an interest in being a good parent. If you are thinking about becoming a parent, you should make reading about it your top priority now, because it won't be one later. People will decide to learn about parenting in different ways by either reading about it before they have children or after they've already had them. So, kudos to all those who take the initiative to get a little bit smarter on the subject!

All parents are aware of the fact that they have an amazing responsibility to be a great example for their kids. However, we do have the opportunity to get off the hook for a bit once they kids start getting older. Children are like hawks, they see everything, which means there simply is no escape.

This can pose issues for some parents, depending on their particular situation. We have our faults and shortcomings, yet we want the best for our kids. You don't want the kids to take part or have certain behaviors you dislike, no matter what misgivings we have. If it's feasible, you could sit down your children and explain it all to them. Parenting is pressure enough, but also know that you are preparing your children for their future as adults. Parents are the ones to start this process. This can begin just by giving them small responsibilities at home. There has to be a reason for everything, so take the time to tell your kids why you've chosen to give them these new responsibilities. Having a rotation of chores for your children will help them not get tired of the same thing all the time. Children will learn the routine of helping around the house a lot quicker if you start slow at a young age. This is such a positive thing because it will begin the process of producing good habits in your children.

Aside from not being loved by their parents, the hardest thing that a child has to deal with is not being accepted for what they really want and feel. As adults, most of us know what it feels like to not be accepted for whatever reason. Plus, there are those among us who have had a hard time accepting some of the things about our children. But, when everything is all said and done, they will always be our children. Hopefully, all parents will let their children know that they will always be welcomed and loved at home. The outside world may handle them in a different manner, but home is not like this as all.

You will find that your parenting responsibilities will not be as hard if you can talk successfully with your children. Obviously, this would mean that they are old enough to understand you.

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