Starting a Garden is Great Grown Up Fun!- By: Clifford Longthorpe

Description : The most common misconception around gardening is the amount of work it takes to keep a garden healthy. While it is true that there is work involved in gardening, for the most part, that work is quite rewarding. Most gardeners say that garden work--even weed pulling--feels more like play than hard work! Obviously the size and scope of your garden will dictate how much work you need to put into your garden. One thing remains true: whether you start a tiny garden on a shelf in your living room or dedicate your entire yard to your gardening project, starting a garden is a great experience!

Look at your current space with a critical eye. If you don't have enough space outside for a garden (even containers) you will have to limit your garden to plants that grow easily inside until you live in a space that has enough space outside for you to garden in. If your home has yard space you will have to decide how much of that space should be dedicated to your garden. The space that is available will help you figure out just what you can grow and how extensive your garden will be. A small indoor garden, for example, might not be the best place to try to grow fruit or vegetables that grow on vines.
Loosen up your soil by digging into the ground. Obviously if you dig when the conditions are not right you could end up harming your garden.
You want to dig when your soil is moist. The ground should be moist enough that you can form a ball with the soil with your hands. If the ball doesn't break when you drop it, the soil is too moist. Spades and spading forks are the best tools for this job because they turn the soil which get the air moving into and out of it.

Prepare your soil before you start planting your seeds. You probably don't want to hear this, but growing a garden involves more than just putting some seeds in dirt and waiting for them to grow. You want to work the ground in your garden before you start planting. Get rid of rocks and debris. Till the soil so that there is oxygen moving through it. If you plan on doing any container gardening (or building an indoor garden) prepare your seedling pots and get your containers ready to hold soil and water weight.
Starting a garden can be quite a lot of fun! Don't be afraid to admit that you like working the soil and getting dirty.
You're probably reminded of your childhood. This is one of the main reasons that people are so dedicated to their gardening hobbies. They probably feel more like they are playing than working!

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Author Resource : The web site at gives you lots of yard sweepers information and advice.