Raising Healthy Chickens From Brand New Baby Chicks- By: Lex Homestead

Description : Raising healthy chickens starts with taking care of your new baby chicks. Here are some fantastic tips that can help you raise your baby chicks well into adulthood.

1.) When you first receive the chicks remove them from their crate one at a time and dip their beak into the sugar water so they know where their food source is located. Do this with each individual bird and then let them free to roam around their new, well heated, home.

2.) Keep a close eye on the chicks and check every few hours to make sure the area is sufficient for their everyday needs. You can tell by their behaviors if you have the temperature just right or too hot or cold. If they are all grouped together near the heat source it is not warm enough and if they are all at the opposite end of the pen the heat is too hot. If the chicks are mulling around individually throughout the pen then you know the temperature is set correctly. You can now relax and watch the chicks as they grow they will soon outgrow the need for the heater and move on to venturing outside the pen to run throughout the yard.

3.) No matter how well you take care of your chickens there are still thousand of minuscule microorganisms that can be harmful to humans and even other animals. Use special precautions and always properly handling when dealing with your chicks to prevent the spread of any diseases. Always wash your hands after having anything to do with the chicks even if just feeding and watering wash your hands well with warm soapy water afterwards to fend off any germs that can be spread. If you have children the care of chickens should be well explained to them so they too understand the dangers and never allow the chicks to be brought into the house or common family areas.

4.) The last tip now is to simply relax. You have done everything correctly and aside from feeding and watering daily they shouldn't need any other care as they grow. Now that you see that it is not difficult to raise your own chickens what are you waiting for? If this is what you want to do go why not get started today?

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : Visit: chicken coop designs