Protect your Email Inbox from Spam with these Five good tips- By: James Hudson

Description : Spam e-mail is also known as bulk or junk e-mail and is unsolicited, unwelcome, irrelevant, or inappropriate emails, particularly commercial marketing emails sent in very large quantities i.e. thousands or millions of the same email.

You will inevitably receive some spam emails in your inbox - there is no getting around that fact of life. The way you handle this unwanted junk email will go a long way toward reducing or increasing the quantity of spam you will receive in the future. It could moreover guard you from viruses, credit card fraud, identity theft and other forms of cyber-crime. Next time you log into your inbox, keep these 5 suggestions in mind to stop the spammers dead in their tracks.

Disable the Preview Feature in your Inbox

If you are able to preview your whole email messages in your inbox, you might want to disable the message preview pane. This really is essential since certain spam email include code that is specially designed to compromise your computer and leave you susceptible to viruses, Trojan horses or worse. Look at the options offered in your email program and amend the settings.

Don't Fall for the Phisher's Hook

Spam emails can be cleverly designed hoaxes that are intended to get you to inadvertently give away personal information. These hoax phishing emails claim to be from your credit card company, bank or other financial organization, and attempt to get you to give away private information such as your bank account number, password or other private and personal information.

These fraudulent emails are named phishing emails because they send out thousands or millions of emails in the hope they will hook a few people into giving them private information. Responding to this type of phishing email would leave you vulnerable to financial cyber-crime such as identity theft, credit card fraud and other such crime.

Check attachments even from friends.

Just because an email has been sent to you by a friend, do not think that it harmless for you to open any attachment that comes with it. Contact your friend and check that they did indeed send it. Fairly often, spammers will attach a virus to their spam, which, if opened, will hijack your email program and mail itself out to every email address in your address book. This fraudulent email will look to the recipients to have been sent by you. If they in turn, open this email attachment, the same malicious cycle is repeated.

Look at your Email in Plain Text

Code such as Javascript could be used to embed malicious code in spam emails. This kind of code could be designed to infect your system with a virus that can install itself in your computer, and give a hacker access to your private and financial information without your ever knowing it has occurred. You can defend yourself against this by altering the options to display the email messages in plain text. This in effect disables many harmful scripting features.

Don’t respond to Spam and Phishing emails

Don't reply to a spam email or click on any banner advertising that are in spam emails. If you happen to do this it lets the spammer make out that your email address is a "real, live" address, this will then result in a flood of more spam. Don't click on any unsubscribe messages contained in junk mail as these are only intended to fool you into confirming your address as valid. Furthermore, do not forward any junk emails you may receive.

Common sense is the most important type of spam protection you will surely have. Be cautious when you check your mail because even the most advanced anti-spam filter available nowadays cannot keep 100% of all spam out of you inbox.

If you happen to need to learn more about controlling Spam emails or you require suitable software to control spam click on the "Spam Control Software" link in the Author Resource information section below for more information on this topic.

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Author Resource : I hope you found these ideas to look after you from spam useful, click the following link should you want more information or software to Control Spam Emails.

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