Plasma TV Wall Mount/LCD Wall Mount- By: Damian Hatt

Description : TV wall mounts are mostly used for fixing LCD and Plasma TV's onto a wall. Naturally, the older style box TV set can be wall-mounted. If you are interested in this sort of TV wall mount then you would most likely be better off just searching for advice or even a contractor to help you install wall cabinets or shelving to put it in. Usually, there is a method to sneakily hide any necessary wiring for that box set television. It is possible to hire an electrician for running extra wiring through the walls to the television, but people don't like to pay substantially more for their TV installation than the TV itself.

Two of the primary skills required for fitting a LCD or Plasma TV wall mount is the capability to locate one or more wall stud to fix it to. You will also require a working understanding of home electrics. If you feel at ease running wiring for the power cables and video feeds then by all means do it yourself. When you know how to locate wall studs and possess basic carpentry skills you may hire an electrician to run the cables for you and carry on yourself to finish the project on your own. Otherwise, it is probably best to hire one contractor who can perform both jobs jointly.

One of the only variances between a Plasma TV and LCD (liquid crystal display) TV, as far as installation goes is, that a mid-sized LCD is considerably lighter than its Plasma counterpart. This means that for a smaller sized or mid-sized LCD it is possible to get away with attaching the mount to only one wall stud, although you'll still have to tie down the other end with some type of anchor.

Naturally, you'll still have a couch or some furniture set up for those times when all you want to do is chill out in front of the Television. On the other hand, you can also put some bookshelves up or leave the area open and put your furniture around your wall mounted TV if you want the room to imitate a home theater. Naturally, the older style box TV set can be wall-mounted.

Create a space where you can chill out!
Plasma TVs have been a more popular choice for people because of the superior brightness, a wider viewing angle, plus a broader colour spectrum. However, just recently, LCD technology has begun to catch up and its lighter weight display is one trait in which the LCD is, in fact, superior. Market analysts are actually starting to see LCD televisions overtake their Plasma counterparts.

Customize your room and your TV wall mount:
One of the greatest things about TV wall mounts is just the space that they save in the home, but the improved versatility they provide to your interior decorating ideas is huge. For example, if you're worried about your new television dominating your free time and blunting conversation with guests, put an additional chair or two underneath the TV. You and your guests may sit down to enjoy each other's company, but if your living room furniture is all pointed in the direction of your new, TV then a lull in the conversation may lead to retreating to a digital anesthetic.

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