Pilates Is Gentle On Your Muscles- By: Terry Lane

Description : Strength training is a good idea when we are young and it's a better idea as we age. Pilates exercises improves balance and flexibility and as we age this certainly benefits seniors. We lose 3-5% of our lean muscle mass for every decade after the age of 25. So the sooner you start strength training the better. Don't believe you can't gain strength as you age. You just need to work at keeping your muscle mass.

Did you know that the muscle fiber of a 20 year old looks similar to that of a 70 year old? S0 beginning a strength training routine later in life will net positive results. It's never too late to build muscle. Do it now and avoid frailty later in life. Muscle mass isn't the only loss age delivers. Loss of balance, flexibility, and stamina also decreases. Pilates exercise helps all ages and any level of fitness. It also helps the muscles surrounding joints too.

Pilates rehab often associated with physical therapists because it is helps strengthen the body's posture, flexibility and balance. In fact Pilates was first used as rehab therapy. Joseph Pilates, the creator of this exercise, was a nurse in the German army during World War One. It was there that he developed a method of strengthening the muscles of soldiers wounded in the war.

He used springs fixed to patient's beds thus the first Pilates equipment was created. Interestingly, the soldiers who were given the exercises using these springs healed and recovered faster than the soldiers who did nothing. Rehabilitation meant getting creative with what you had. Pilates develops flexibility in joints and helps to keep them "oiled up" by gently moving the joints through their ranges of motion. This is particularly important for arthritis sufferers. Keeping a full or near full range of motion in the joints is immensely important to all people, but to arthritis sufferers in particular.

Pilates equipment has grown up you might say over the years. Gone are the days of springs attached to hospital beds. Today we call it a reformer. Pilates equipment like Pilates rings and exercise mats along with instructional DVDs on a multitude of Pilates exercises, are available on the Internet as well as in retail stores. Along with exercise balls, and resistance bands one can achieve so much more. Pilates is a great addition to any fitness program.

Pilates rehab works for many reasons. The attention paid to good form is a perfect way for an injured client to gain strength in injured muscles. Pilates is gentle on the joints and won't over-stress an already stressed body. It also strengthens the smaller muscle groups that support joints and bony structures, and it builds an awareness to balance, chronically weak and imbalanced muscles gain equal strength. Pilates rehabilitation can be considered preventative medicine. Keeping the body strong now will help avoid injuries tomorrow and staying free of injury is an important benefit as we age.

It is important to note that certified Pilates instructors are not medically qualified to make a diagnosis. It is best to seek out sound medical advise first. Pilates instructors need to work in conjunction with chiropractors, medical professionals and physical therapists in working up the best plan for a client. Pilates exercises is a total body workout that is suitable for all ages and abilities. Make it part of your fitness goals for long term health.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : Are you a senior who has lost your muscle strength? Maybe it's time you look to some weight training equipment to make you stronger. Resistance fitness is a good way to avoid injuries due to the lack of muscular strength.