Knowing the Significance of a Communion Plate- By: Tina Andersons

Description : Almost every single believer takes the first communion as an important event; of course, the things behind the scenes that make it important include the dress, the gifts, the communion plate and other paraphernalia needed to make the celebration a great event. For children, they are usually given their first communion at the age of seven or eight.

It is a special time in your child's spiritual life and should be shared with family and friends.

Before we delve deeper, let's take a look at the history of the communion and how it came to be regarded as an important part of a Christian's life.

It is helpful for a believer to understand what a Communion is. The Holy Communion is actually a holy rite in the life of a Christian.

During a communion, bread and wine are consecrated by a priest or minister and these are given to the members or the congregation of the church.

The blood as well as the body of Jesus Christ is symbolized in the bread and wine. As the bread is broken, it represents the sacrifice that Jesus had to undergo. The bread is pales in the communion plate. This same bread is then dipped to the wine, the blood, and given to the members of the church.

This communion plate that holds the consecrated bread is called a Paten. During earlier times, the use of real bread in the service meant that an actual and ordinary plate was used.

The use of the ordinary Paten remained the same up until the Middle Ages came, since the wafer that was used for the Eucharist or communion was considerably bigger than what they later used during the 12th and 13th century until today.

In normal Communion services, the communion plate is one the most important tools that are used when someone is have their first communion.

If you know someone who is celebrating their first communion soon, then you might want to get the right gift for the occasion. Here are some guidelines that you can keep in mind.

A first communion gift is special since a communion is a spiritual event. Since this is a spiritual event, it would be appropriate to give a gift that was also spiritual in nature. Some of it would include Bible, rosaries, religious jewelry and even dresses.

Most of the time, you can get Communion gifts in local Christian stores. You will surely find plenty of possible gift items that would suit the occasion. You have the choice of visiting the local store or maybe checking out their online site.

If the person you are giving the gift to would be a little girl, some of the popular gifts for them would be dolls, angel pendants, bracelets, prayer beads, watches, necklaces and even picture frames. For the boys, it's essentially the same except for the jewelry as well as dolls.

Since this is a very special event and also very spiritual; you can expect to get great gift ideas through stores, online and offline, that sell these special items.

With the advancement of technology, another great idea for a gift would be customized ones. You can buy gifts that are especially personalized so that you can turn it into something extra special for the recipient.

If you shop online, you can even have the gift delivered and gift wrapped ahead of time. They will then send it to the location or home of the recipient, depending on where you specify.

Any person's first Communion is a special event. All the little things that are needed like the gifts, the bread, the wine and the communion plate; contribute to making this event all the more special.

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Author Resource : Written by Tina, checkout electronic bible and pig bowl.