Chat Up Girls The With Easy- By: Steven Sorento

Description : Chatting with girls can be fun, entertaining, and build your self-confidence when you find success. Unfortunately, there are a lot of guys out there who struggle to hold a conversation with any girl. If this sounds like you, chances are you simply need a new approach. In the end you will have tons of girls numbers just by learning how to chat up girls.

Here are 3 quick tips to make it happen:

The Confidence

Without any sort of self-confidence to go on you will only crash and burn. Girls love a guy who isn't afraid to take charge of a situation and make things happen. Just don't confuse confidence with arrogance, because the latter turns a lot of girls away.

However, if you take the time to get in the right mind set and not worry about being rejected; you will easily discover how to chat up girls!

What to Say

Even if you have the self-confidence, a lot of guys just don't know what to say. Don't feel bad if this is your issue, because there is a simple solution. Are you ready?

Consider where you are at when you find the girl you want to chat up. Are you at a bar? Are you at the grocery store? How about the library? Wherever you are it will give you a glimpse of what you can talk about with her. Here are some examples below:

The Bar:

1. "Have you ever tried a _______?"

The Grocery Store:

2. "Do you know how to make _______?"

The Library:

3. "I heard the library will let you check out movies. Do you know where I can find them?"

These are basic examples of tying in where you are to an ice-breaker. Learning how to chat up girls isn't about the girl in front of you, but it is about finding that first piece of information that will get her talking. If you can do this you will have no problem chatting up the ladies!

Keeping the Conversation Going

Okay, so you have the confidence to walk up to her and you asked her a question revolving around the place you're at right now; what next?

In order to keep the conversation going you have to learn more about her, or tell her more about you. There is a very fine line here because you don't want to seem overzealous if you're doing all the talking.

Keeping the convo on the up and up is all about learning to listen. For example; if you're at the library and ask her where to find the movies.come back and ask her if she's seen ______. Make sure it's something funny and would be entertaining. It's possible she has, which means you will get a laugh, a smile, and another thing to talk about with her.

If take the 3 tips we've given you and utilize them properly, you want have to wonder how to chat up girls. All you'll have to do is keep from calling them the wrong name when you go out on your dates!

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Author Resource : If you want to be big on the dating scene then you are going to have to learn seduction techniques and skills that are incredibly simple, shockingly powerful, and that produce results. Learning how to chat up girls can be both fun and exciting. Find out how.