5 Gorgeous Wedding Centerpiece Ideas- By: Florence Woods

Description : Planning a wedding is not easy - believe me, I know how exhausting it can be! When it comes to decorating the wedding reception, it's worth considering some wedding centerpiece ideas early on, as the basis for decorating the rest of the venue.

You don't have to spend too much money on wedding centerpieces - in fact far from it. I always think that simple, imaginative centerpieces work better than anything extravagant and expensive.

Some wedding centerpiece ideas are traditional and classical, but they could also be used to reflect the individual interests or personalities of the couple.

Here are 5 wedding centerpiece ideas worth considering:

1. Go with nature.

Flowers don't have to cost a lot of money. They'll always be colorful and attractive, providing they match your color scheme.

For a more traditional wedding try using Orchids or Carnations. If you want something a bit more original try Alium or Larkspur.

If you are looking for something striking Caribea or Parakeet Heliconia are very impressive.

Pot plants are also an option which can add interest and which can be given as gifts after the wedding is over.

2. Fruit and Vegetables.

Friends of ours recently had edible centerpieces at their wedding which made a fantastic talking point! They looked great and made a tasty snack throughout the day. Yum.

Fruit and chocolate is a popular combination and can complement or contrast with the color scheme. The arrangement can take any form you like, it can be minimal or imposing.

Our wedding was in the Fall, which meant we were able to use a range of squashes and pumpkins as our centerpieces. They looked amazing!

3. Lights, candles, glassware, action!

Candles can make alternative wedding centerpiece ideas and could incorporate floating candles with flower or fruit shapes.

If it's a day-time wedding, don't worry, you can use dramatic candle holders or colorful glass to create an impact.

The use of glass bowls or vases for floating candles is another interesting idea which allows for added color and shape.

Pebbles, shells and colored sand are other ideas worth considering to fill the glassware, in place of candles or water.

4. Be creative but practical.

Let your imagination run wild but think about the comfort of your guests when planning your wedding centerpieces.

The size or odor of your centerpiece could put the guests off their food or stop them from seeing each other easily.

Have fun and be as creative or as safe as you like when it comes to wedding centerpiece ideas.

Just keep an eye on practicalities and always make sure your centerpieces are in keeping with the general overall theme.

5. Theme ideas.

If you've decided the traditional wedding isn't for you, here are some alternatives:

- Historical or period themes

- Oriental - Origami and Bonsai arrangements.

- Ocean - shells, sand and pebbles.

- Country - wild flowers and grasses.

Hopefully these 5 wedding centerpiece ideas have fired your imagination to truly make your wedding reception your own, without necessarily paying lots of money.

Have a fantastic day!

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : Want to find out more about wedding centerpiece ideas? Visit Florence Woods's own blog dedicated to finding and writing about the very best wedding decoration ideas.