Fixing a nice rating on your credit report puts you in a situation that is extremely favorable much more than those persons with less that great credit scores. First of all, you will be granted priority when you apply for loans. Secondly, the higher your score, the better interest rate you will receive. However, you can still increase your FICO score by taking a few steps to repair your file. They are as follows:
Learn the provisions in the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the legal document that protects consumers and guarantees the credit bureaus and information holders do not take advantage of consumer rights in the process or reporting information for your report.
Give attention to the three versions of your report, that is Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax reports. You do not want to be disillusioned that a negative account will be removed from one version simply because you got a repair agency to clean out damaging accounts from another. This often happens, understandably from the fact that not all creditors report to all three bureaus.
Apply for secured cards to help put some positive marks on your credit report. A new file will be built according to how you get a secured card and this will be reported to your credit report as long as you have some kind of activity on your credit. However, you should exercise caution with how much you spend from your allowed monies. This is due to the fact that higher expenses result in a negative mark on your report, while lower expensive will give you positive marks. This is done by not spending more than 20 percent of your card.
You shouldn't end your restoration process with these three measures alone. Registration with a reputable credit repair agency can help in removing years of bad records and return your file to a healthy state. Alternatively, using the self-help restoration method has worked for a lot of people, provided that discipline is applied.