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It’s All About Emotions – Sing Your Heart Out!

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By : Sarah Smith    29 or more times read
Submitted 2009-11-05 11:15:18
As you can see, singers who are emotional are always the ones topping the music industry. Their voice – this is where the singer’s charisma come from, the way they interpret the lyrics as well as their skill of singing with emotions – putting their great sentiments into the song. Of course, it wouldn’t be termed as singing at all if there are no emotions included in it. The question is, how can you sing with similar feelings or sentiments like your favorite singer? Initially, we have to arrange some things for you. If all you want to do is sing for your own self, then it is just fine to let out all your emotions and be really drawn in it. It is the best way at times to make us feel good. On the other hand, if you have plans in singing professionally, of course that is singing for a large crowd or a group of people, being too drawn in the song’s emotion or sentiment is not just recommended for a long span of time. The disadvantage of this is that it can get your throat close up when you are too drawn on the feelings of the song, and this will definitely make singing a difficult task. That is one of the problems that a singer faces. Several people may not have realize the things that I will disclose to you now. When you notice that your favorite singer has the difficulty in singing a song, then s/he is not essentially feeling those sentiments or emotions. Parts and parcels of their work is to aid you in feeling the emotions within the song, to let you know that they can feel what you are feeling and what you are going through at the moment. To make you feel that they have been also there, feeling all those pains and heartaches or happiness and anger. What you have to learn here is the trick – and that is feeling the emotions without letting it overpower you. Great singers are people who can convince everyone that they are going through a lot and yet they can still manage to sing and do their gigs day after day, not being wasted. For you to improve in this, I will explain to you the exercise that you have to do in order to show great emotions. Surely, I know you will want to perform this alone. In the song, try to look for the strongest emotion that it brings – sadness, happiness, anger or pain. Hear or listen to the song carefully so that you can tell what the singer is letting you feel at that instance by the sound of their voice and not just merely on the lyrics of the song. Practice it on the mirror like you are having your imaginary friend. If it’s happiness then let your friend know how happy you are. Or you can shout real loud if you are real angry. Become aware of the tone of your voice, the sounds that you are creating and what really your voice does – the pace of how you speak, if it is high or low and how you move along to different pitches. Don’t mind what your body does.

Behind the song, a happy feeling will often have the “bubbly” effect or an inner beam as it is being sung. On the other hand, a painful feeling will have a slow or “weeping” sound behind as you sing the song. If resentment is portrayed, a piercing or callous sound will always be along with it. Learn every sound or feeling by heart. At this instant, pick a song and out of it, choose a phase and let it sound happy. What you have to do primarily is “be happy”, think about happy thoughts and feel it without letting yourself be overwhelmed. Think of as many emotions as you can and try to portray it. In this manner, you will get to know on how you will handle a song as well as making proper expressions to enhance your singing skill. It is a great way to find out what emotions should be felt as you sing a certain song. You begin to feel the emotion, and then you become aware of the emotion’s effect to your voice and after which, you put that emotion on the song without being carried away totally with it. This isn’t cheating; it is just a part of being a professional singer. If you want to be effective and let your audience know what you wanted them to know, then you have to do this. Just imagine yourself being so sad and teary while singing a song, your voice cracking, echoing over the entire place. What will your audience feel? Definitely, they won’t enjoy the show. They may even start to ask their money back. Just sum all of what you have learned in this article and put it in action. You will be amazed on how your singing and communication abilities rise up. Have fun on your new learned skill!

Author Resource:

Are you interested on how to learn to sing? If yes, visit our site . From there you can see some helpful and free article about How to Develop Singing Confidence. Learning to sing can be fun!

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