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A Beginner's Guide to Buying an Acoustic Starter Guitar

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By : Mike Hargreaves    99 or more times read
Submitted 2010-06-22 15:04:44
You want to pick out a respectable acoustic starter guitar if you are really a beginner as a dreadful one will hold you back for years

Acoustic guitar bodies are available in essentially an identical hourglass shape, with a number of variations, save for they do vary in size, color, wood-sort, style, and additional features. You could even purchase an acoustic guitar so petite that fits into a hiking rucksack.

Guitars are available in a incredibly wide selection of costs, except in terms of instruments, generally, you get what you pay for, especially if you buy new. There’s a real difference between getting a bargain and buying cheap.

Save for whether you buy new or used may be determined by many personal factors including your budget, and each has their own pros and cons.

Buying new, provides a warranty and, with a bit of luck, a return period, if for some reason you’re not totally pleased with your purchase, or something goes wrong.

Under ‘usual' circumstances, a used guitar could typically be purchased cheaper and has by now gone through its “break-in” period.

Commercially created guitars are mostly mass manufactured. “Custom-made” guitars are precisely that. They are custom built and tailored to your specifications by a greatly skilled guitar maker.

Prices for a custom-built guitar vary significantly, determined by the skill level of the craftsperson you contract the job to, but, most of the time, they're generally quite higher than a commercially built guitar of “similar” quality. Each custom built guitar is exclusive and therefore hard to match in price to a commercially built guitar.


Understanding some of the parts of a guitar will definitely assist you in terms of the Pre-Purchase Checklist.

BODY: This is the part with the sound hole in the front. It is where the strumming is done, and it may vary in size. The actual size, shape, variety of wood, coating, and general build of the body also affects how the guitar will “sound”, whether it’s a rich and warm sound, or a thin and ‘twangy’ sound. {The body tends to become the part that also gets scratched, damaged, and ordinarily banged-up the most.

NECK: This is the long piece extending from the body and ends at the ‘head’ of the guitar where the ‘Tuning Heads’ are, also called ‘machine heads’. The strings travel over the ‘Bridge’ on the body, across the sound hole, over the ‘Fret Board’, which is attached to the front-side of the neck, and eventually arriving at the tuning heads where they're wrapped about tuning posts. The tuning heads are then turned by hand, which then turns the posts, making the strings tighter or looser, thus affecting their ‘tuning’. Necks tend to warp and twist if not taken care of, or if ever the guitar is left propped against a heat source.

BRIDGE: The Bridge is normally located on the front of the body by the sound hole, and on the side of the hole opposite to the neck. The strings are usually fed through the bridge first before they cross the hole and travel up the neck into the tuning heads. The bridge is similar to an anchor-point for the strings. Metal bridges are best, except on most acoustics they're either rigid plastic or wood. Bridges have a tendency to crack and split over an extended era of time.

FRET BOARD: The fret board is glued to the front of the neck. This is the portion you push the strings onto to create chords or play individual notes. As it’s glued on separately, a fret board is crafted from a wood that’s different from the neck.

The strings travel over the fret board and the distance they're above the fret board makes a difference to the playability of the guitar. If the strings are too far above the fret board, then they are going to be hard to press down, making the guitar demanding to play.

Whenever a starter plays a guitar, at first her or his fingertips are extremely soft and need to get hardened. A guitar with the strings too far above the fret board, also often known as having a ‘high action’, will cause the player’s fingers to hurt so much that they're likely to put the guitar away in discouragement and perhaps stop playing altogether.

STRINGS: Acoustic guitar strings, come in a wide kind of ‘flavors’. They can be} made out of nylon, brass, steel, or even a fusion. Nylon strings are typically only found on Classical guitars and Student guitars, as they’re easier on the fingertips. They've got a rich, warm sound to them.

Strings sets come in numerous ‘weights’, or sizes. Strings that come from a package marked ‘Heavy’ are generally quite thick in size and sound “beefy”. Strings that are light, or extra light, are extremely thin and mostly have a brighter sound to them, save for are also quieter sounding than heavy strings.

String choices are purely personal taste. Light strings are easier to press than heavy strings except also sound entirely different. The more often strings are played, the dirtier they grow. If a cloth isn’t run over and under them, now and again, the sound gets incredibly dull


- Before buying a used guitar, cost-compare against the price of a new one, except the guitar is very old. You can too balance its used price to other used prices by going to an internet auction and either trying to find the identical or a similar guitar.
- Check the general order of the wood for cracks, scratches, splits, dents, chips, etc.
- Also check the lacquer finish for cracks and splits.
- Check the neck/fret board for warping and twisting. You may do this by holding the guitar flat on its back, with the sound hole facing upward. Bring the guitar up to eye-level, with the neck running from you and the edge of the body very nearly touching your face. Let your eyesight fly across the front of the body and down the fret board. You have to be able to see if the neck is twisted or bowing.
- Tune the guitar, or have the seller tune it for you.
- If you know how to play about 5 or 6 chords then play them. If you don’t understand how to play, ask the seller to play them for you. This check ensures the neck of the guitar isn't warped, even though the fact that you couldn’t physically recognise it. If the neck is warped, and the guitar is correctly tuned, then a number of of the chords will sound good, however others will sound as though the fact that} the guitar is not tuned. If this happens, confirm the tuning again. If it persists, then don’t buy the guitar.
- Check the bridge of the guitar. If it’s made out of wood or plastic, make sure it’s not cracked or splitting. The bridge needs to be rock-solid, as many pressure is exerted on the bridge by the strings.
- Check the tuning heads. Do they turn easily, or are they incredibly stiff and hard to turn. Even with the high tension of the strings, a high quality guitar will have tuning heads that are fairly simple to turn.
- Check the ‘action’ of the guitar. Are the strings a good distance over the fret board? Are they simple or hard to press down at a mixture of points on the fret board?
- If you are purchasing the guitar for yourself, and you know how to play, even if you’re a beginner, then play the guitar.
- How does it feel?
- Is it simple or hard to play?
- Can you fit your hand around the neck/fret board comfortably to play chords?
- Is the guitar a comfortable size and shape for the body? Is it easy to hold?
- If you intend to play standing up, request a guitar strap.
- Do you like the sound, the colour, etc?
- If you don’t play, have someone else play it for you so you can judge what it sounds like.


Getting a guitar from a physical retail music store permits you to ‘test drive’ the guitar and ask more questions up front. Buying on the web or from a catalog may bring you additional cash savings.

Despite where bought your guitar, when you know what to check out, and spend a little extra effort in your search for that ‘perfect’ guitar, not only will your fingers thank you, but also your ears, and all those who will come to join you around the campfire, or even call on see you in concert. Who knows?

Author Resource:

Please visit my weblog Acoustic Starter Guitar for advice, video clips and feedback on buying and playing acoustic guitars along with a tremendous section of questions and replies on starter guitars

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