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How To Be A Successful Business Marketer

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By : Max Deal    99 or more times read
Submitted 2010-05-05 04:16:44
Do Your Most Hated Tasks First Make sure you understand and know what sort of tasks you’re good at doing and what sort of tasks you’re lousy at. You may like to write content for your products and websites. You may hate the part of setting up a website, formatting the sales letter and working on your pay per click campaign. Once you know what tasks you enjoy and hate the most, you can plan to work your day much more effectively. Your aim is to do the tasks you hate the most, first. So if you have a 3 hour block of time to work on, as soon as you sit down on your desk, immediately work on the tasks which you don’t like doing or tasks which require a lot of brain work. Think about it. When you first start working, you’re at your most energetic state and your mind is fresh. You’re most willing to work on your complex tasks and have the energy to think about how to tackle the problem and think of solutions. Once you get these tasks out the way for the day, you can now start to do things which you enjoy. Even though you may be tired after working on something that is tough, the remaining hours should be a lot easier since it is easier for you and something which you enjoy. If you do it the other way round, you won’t be as effective. You won’t have the energy or the motivation to work on the complex tasks after an hour or of working. When you look at your hated tasks, you’ll probably decide to do it tomorrow instead. This is a very important in time management. Working on your complex tasks first will do wonders for your productivity. A lot of the times, you would want to work longer than scheduled because you’re working on something you enjoy and you want to finish it off. The same won’t apply if you’re working on something which frustrates you.
Prioritize Learning to prioritize can save you a lot of time. So many online business owners spend time on things which are not important, which they think is important. They also spend time working on things which they think is urgent where in fact they can wait. Everyone says prioritization is common sense, but it’s not. It can’t be common if not many people are doing it. We know we need to prioritize when doing things with the limited amount of time we have but when we start working, prioritization goes out the window. To ensure you prioritize when working, sit down somewhere with no distractions and list out all your tasks which you need to do - including personal tasks and business tasks. This should take you well over an hour to do depending on how often you do it. After you list out your tasks, categorize them into personal and business tasks. Next list out what tasks are important and which ones you should work on first. To decide which task is high priority, ask yourself “can it be delayed?”. What would happen if you do it at a later date? With your priority list of tasks, schedule it for the following month. Ensure that you have scheduled time to work on your list of personal and business tasks every day. You could allocate 30 minutes of your lunch time to work on personal things such as buying a wedding gift, emailing a friend, buy new batteries for your son’s toys, get some more tapes for your camcorder etc… Then during the actual time which you allocated for work, you can do your list of business tasks starting with the high priority ones first. When you work this way, you’ll be able to concentrate on doing your important business tasks within your scheduled time. You will be able to avoid distractions such as thinking about your personal things which are now scheduled at another time. One of the things that happen a lot in any business is working on important deadlines and rushing it. All other things which are still important are then pushed aside. These urgent matters normally come from leaving tasks on the side for too long, until it’s too late and becomes really important and damn urgent. If you prioritize your tasks using the method described, you can avoid such mayhem. You’ll be working on the important tasks before they become dead urgent. Prioritize your work this way and you’ll find that you won’t be running around like a headless chicken putting out fires here and there. You’ll have much more time to work on meaningful, important tasks and do a much better job of it because you’re not rushing things.
Organize Your Reading Online business owners, especially the ones in the internet marketing industry read a lot of information. They’re subscribed to many newsletters, bought many ebooks and read a lot in forums. They’re constantly on the lookout for new information and new breakthrough methods that will help them with their business. The problem is, this is becoming a habit, rather than a need. People will browse on forums, download the free stuff, buy ebooks that are newly released and buy physical information products costing thousands of dollars. However, a lot of times the books are read and then forgotten about. When a business task comes and requires information from the book they’ve read, they don’t know where to find it and they can’t remember what they’ve read. There are many ebooks that are being bought but never read. They just sit on the hard drives. This is not a good way to read and use information. Yet it is what the majority do online and they complain that they can’t make money even with all the information they’ve bought. You need to organize your reading. Make it more effective and actually benefit from each book’s information that you’ve read. Here are the steps to organize your reading:
- Create a folder on your hard disk and label it
Library - Create folders within the Library folder for every topic an ebook belongs to. For example, Copywriting, PayPerClick, Business Strategies, Blogging, Adsense, SEO, Social Marketing, Video Marketing etc…
- With each ebook that you have, rename the file so that the name of the author is first and then the title of the book.
For example, tommyblogs-emarketingtechniques.pdf
- Once you have your library sorted out, you should create a document for each folder. Label this Word document Subject-Manual, based on the subject of the folder. Eg. Copywriting-Manual.
- Now with each ebook you’ve read, type up what you’ve learned into this manual. When needed, put in brackets the name of the ebook so that you know where to look when you want to read the book in more detail.
- The manuals should consist of everything you have learned about a particular subject. Continue to add new information into the manuals and you’ll have all the information in one place. Let see what you’ve done here.
You have placed all the ebooks and information you have into folders which have meaningful names. You have also written down all the useful information and consolidated it into one manual for each topic. The next time you want to find information or want to learn a certain topic, look into the appropriate folder and look through the manual of notes you’ve written. You can save countless hours using this organized way of reading and making notes. Many people are wasting time reading because they just put it aside and not make use of it.

Author Resource:

If you want to learn more about the exciting world of Internet Marketing , and how you too can start make money online, subscribe to my blog at Mindless Ramblings of an Internet Marketer and Affiliate and start earning some cold, hard cash with me!

- Your fellow blogger,

Dino Vedo

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