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What Astral Projection Tool Should You Use?

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By : Amelia Traverne    99 or more times read
Submitted 2011-07-10 02:17:54
At one time or another most people have heard about doing astral projection. Maybe they have a friend that practices it, or watched some movie about it, or even read a book on the subject.

Very few really understand that astral projection can really be done and that anybody can do it. Possibilities are very good that you at one time have astral projected without knowing it.

We need to first look at the definition for astral projection. To state this in very simple terms, astral projection's definition is a human being able to move out of their physical body. All humans have this ability, in fact they actually do it when they are sleeping in the night.

During sleep, the physical mind rests but the subconscious mind remains active and takes over. This is when a person astral projects, though most people have no memory of doing this.

When a person projects, they go wherever they want to go. If you were to think back to your childhood, you will probably recall being able to do this when you would go to bed, as you aged you forgot. It is possible to go anywhere, there is no such thing as time or distance when it comes to astral projection. When a person is sleeping it is the physical body that is asleep, the astral body is the one that travels.

The next question is what the astral body is. It is the ethereal body. The astral body is the invisible duplicate of the body. It houses all our desires and feelings. Does the astral body leave and not return? A silver cord connects the physical and astral bodies together.

This cord was actually connected the first moment that your astral body went into your physical body and this cord cannot be cut until your astral body departs the physical body one last time at your death. This cord is what keeps your astral body from staying away when it leaves your physical body.

So where is it that your astral body travels to? Your astral body moves about in the astral plane, which is an ethereal duplicate of the universe familiar to you. There are different schools of thought about the nature of the astral plane, but there is general consensus that it is made up of many different layers.

After learning about astral projection and about this other plane of existence, the questions of safety and danger arise. The answer is both yes and no to both the questions of is there danger and is it safe. The astral plane is made up of a number of levels. Some of these levels are safe others are not and the mental clarity and focus of the person astral projecting often determines on which level they travel.

The greatest danger when astral projecting comes with the mind is not carefully prepared or under the influence of thought and perception, altering substances such as drugs or alcohol. There are a number of levels to the astral plane. The lower levels are not considered places to visit and are often considered to be unsafe. It is these levels that are easiest to access when under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Mental preparation is key when astral projecting this is true whether you are just learning, fine-tuning your experiences or if you are an expert. Once you have, the process of preparation down it is easy to reach the space of astral projection and to control this process.

There are a number of ways to get prepared to do astral projection prior to starting it.

The method of preparation varies depending on the professional consulted. However, there are a number of, at home, training programs that provide individuals with the opportunity to learn how to control the experience and ultimately obtain both more enjoyment and benefit from astral projecting.

There are several books on this subject and you can locate other aids to help you online. One type of aid is that of hypnosis recordings that are created for astral projections to get you into the desired state of mind.

You can listen to these recordings to relax and allow your subconscious to hear the messages on the recordings that it's time to astral project.

In the field of sound technology there have been many improvements in the area of binaural beats. With this you listen to different sounds in each of your ears. This quickly gets you into the meditative state that is crucial for you to reach to do astral projection with the right results.

Don't fret if you are unsuccessful the first few times you astral project. It takes practice to accomplish this.

It is important to remember that this is not actually an acquired skill but something that is already known to each person. They simply need to remember how to astral project and then to practice in order to obtain a level of proficiency.

Are you still not so sure? Think about the last time you dreamt you were flying or felt as if you had fallen. It feels similar to flying when the astral body moves throughout the astral plane. When the astral body returns to the physical body the sensation is much like falling and landing.

Astral projection can be learned and if you practice regularly, you'll master this ability sooner than you may think.

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