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It's Up To You! Create The Life You Choose!

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By : Maria Rattray    99 or more times read
Submitted 2009-11-30 20:11:47

Life is not a dress rehearsal. The clock is ticking, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour. In all of this you are painting your life, your story. How will it read?

What if each of us could live our lives, defiant of barriers, determinedly seeking only solutions to our problems? Would that change our word significantly? Would hatred still exist? Would our world be a more peaceful one? Could we be a nation of dreamers, intent on painting our optimal picture?

You see, in life, each of us is dealt a pack of cards. The way we see our pack, and the way in which we deal with the pack, is entirely up to us. Oh I know. It is true that we are not born equal. Some of us are born into extreme wealth whilst others inherit abject poverty. Some rise to higher education. Others may go through life lacking any formal education at all. Many of us are discriminated against for a myriad of reasons, the colour of our skin, our creed, our nationality, a disability, or just the way we look. Even more are discriminated against through lack of money. All of us however, at some stage in our lives have adversity thrust upon us, no matter who we are, or where we have come from. It is in dealing with such adversity that we emerge as the people we are.

I recently listened to Neal Petersen, a South African motivational speaker, who grew up during the period of apartheid in his country where black were mercilessly discriminated against.

Neal's passion was the sea, to have a boat and one day, to sail that boat around the world. People laughed at the notion, many people, friends included. But Neal was doggedly determined to do so, and kept, as a reminder of his determination, a red sailing jacket, which went everywhere with him. He still has it today!

In order to be able to sail, Neal needed to make money and he managed to convince his parents to allow him to become a commercial diver. It wasn't long however, before the intrepid Neal came to the realisation that in earning the money he did, he would be well past his competing years before he could afford a boat. Undeterred he set about building his boat which other yachtsmen mockingly called, the floating coffin. But he never allowed others to steal his dream and so, it was in his homemade vessel, that Neal fulfilled his dream. After many alterations, and against all odds, including the fragility of his vessel, he determinedly sailed around the world and survived to tell the tale. Neal says that when you have passion and purpose, you will succeed.

He also talked about baggage. How many of us have baggage that we port from one aspect of our living to another? He points out that in his 'bag' there is no baggage, only solutions and he urges all of us to do the same for ourselves, that is, to find solutions to our problems. Even in these toughest of economic times, if we look, if we try hard enough, if we are goal-oriented, we can succeed. His experience is testimony to that!

He went on to explain that, when times are tough, and when you feel that you have reached your nadir, that is when you are metaphorically navigating through uncharted waters. But, he also points out, that this is the precise time, that critical juncture, when we should be putting our dreams into place. Dreams give us hope. They keep us buoyant. Moreover, they open up to us, amazing possibilities for our future.

The reality is that so many of us elect to stay in the safe zone, the zone that presents the least challenge, the zone where we feel most comfortable. It is only when we are tossed and hurled into darkness that we are open to change.

At such times there are probably two clear pathways that we can take. The first option is the easy one. We can cave in and accept the status quo, because the reality is that financial hardship beats away at our pride and leaches our confidence and the will to persevere and fight back. If only we could understand at that time, that the loss of confidence is but a perception! It is not bathed in reality. We haven?t changed. If we look in the mirror we are still the same person as we were the day before, and the day before that! Sure we have lost money, but if we stop and think about it, what exactly is money? It is simply a vehicle for getting by from one day to the next.

Once we understand that, we can try to proceed along the other pathway. But in doing so, we must toss any doubts, any scepticism and pessimism, away, for if we don't, you can guarantee that it will show up in our bank account! Now there's a scarier thought! From now on, our mindset, our determination, our belief in ourselves must be so strong that failure is not an option!

Neil says that we define our future by the wisdom of our setbacks. We must win against all odds. In all of this we must trust, knowing that we are being tempered for something bigger, some new peaks where we will choose our competitors.

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Maria Rattray invites you to embrace a lifestyle that affords time freedom. Work from home and say goodbye to those endless traffic jams. Join Me Here:=>

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